My Mom is coming with me and we are already planning our adventures. We will be going to Georgia O'Keeffe's home in Abiquiu on Thursday.
serif;">I've been reading the above books, Georgia O'Keeffe and New Mexico A Sense of Place, Georgia O'Keeffe in New Mexico, Georgia O'Keeffe and Her Houses and Becoming O'Keeffe: The Early Years trying to get a sense of the area and the artist. I'm going back and forth between Becoming O'Keeffe and Roxana Robinson's Georgia O'Keeffe: A Life (said to be the best bio on O'Keeffe.)
If you've been and have any tips on the area as well as Santa Fe, I'd greatly appreciate it. I will be teaching all day Friday and Saturday and most of the day on Sunday but I will have time to explore on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. I am really looking forward to my time there.