Each year, when we host our annual Thanksgiveaway contest, we like to share some of the incredible entries with our fans. We've received hundreds of letters already, all filled with the things, little and big, you all are thankful for. Some are truly works of art, while others are stunning in their simplicity. While only 11 people will take home the amazing fountain pen prizes we are offering up, each of these letters feels like a prize in itself. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did!
Submitted by Sabina from California:
Submitted by Romina from California:
Submissions by Lori from Texas, Elizabeth from Oregon, and Maya from Texas
Andrea from Ohio writes:
Be thankful. Be grateful. I am thankful for my mom. I am thankful for her for all the usual reasons; there is no doubt, but it goes beyond that. She is a great mom, the best mom. What makes me the most grateful is that she is so great despite her troubled childhood and her lack of a good mother as a role model. She became who she is, full of love and kindness, in spite of the hand she was dealt. Because of this, I am thankful for her because she is proof you can choose good and make good. You, as a person, hold the power to choose and be more than your upbringing. I am grateful for her happiness in small things and gratefulness for the simple. I am thankful for the hope she gives me in knowing how she has survived the worst and remains kind. I am thankful because with people like my mom in the world, real, true love exists.
From Seth from Kentucky writes:
Dear Goulet Pen Co,
Today, in this moment, I am most thankful for WORDS. You see, ever since I can remember I have loved word-play in all its forms. This has since spilled into my career as a Speech Language Pathologist. I spend my days teaching children 4th grade and up how important words are, and how great an impact they can have on your life, both positive and negative. I am also known to my students as a teacher obsessed with pens and good handwriting. Since cursive
Submitted by Sabina from California:
Submitted by Romina from California:
Submissions by Lori from Texas, Elizabeth from Oregon, and Maya from Texas
Andrea from Ohio writes:
Be thankful. Be grateful. I am thankful for my mom. I am thankful for her for all the usual reasons; there is no doubt, but it goes beyond that. She is a great mom, the best mom. What makes me the most grateful is that she is so great despite her troubled childhood and her lack of a good mother as a role model. She became who she is, full of love and kindness, in spite of the hand she was dealt. Because of this, I am thankful for her because she is proof you can choose good and make good. You, as a person, hold the power to choose and be more than your upbringing. I am grateful for her happiness in small things and gratefulness for the simple. I am thankful for the hope she gives me in knowing how she has survived the worst and remains kind. I am thankful because with people like my mom in the world, real, true love exists.
From Seth from Kentucky writes:
Dear Goulet Pen Co,
Today, in this moment, I am most thankful for WORDS. You see, ever since I can remember I have loved word-play in all its forms. This has since spilled into my career as a Speech Language Pathologist. I spend my days teaching children 4th grade and up how important words are, and how great an impact they can have on your life, both positive and negative. I am also known to my students as a teacher obsessed with pens and good handwriting. Since cursive
writing is no longer part of our curriculum in KY, I use my own cursive writing to teach children how important and special hand written pieces can be!
Davidson from Virginia writes:
This Thanksgiving I have much to give thanks for:
I got married to an incredible girl.
I traveled abroad for the first time.
I got my largest bonus ever.
I moved into a new apartment.
I applied to graduate school.
and so many, many more...
"Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears."
- Wordsworth
Angela from Wisconsin writes:
I'm thankful for...
- my husband, he makes me feel appreciated, loved, acknowledged, cared for and special.
- my friends who encourage my potential and help me to be successful.
- my church family, they are so welcoming of everyone! They work tirelessly to address issues of social injustices in our city.
- my boss and co-workers, they make work feel fun and encourage my personal growth.
- the opportunity to vote for this country's leader, to share my opinions
- my gifts, given to me by my Creator, personality, talents.
If you haven't sent your letter in yet, you still have time! Sit down with your favorite pen and ink, think about the things in your life that you are thankful for, put them on paper, and send them our way. You may be surprised by what you come up with.
Ready? Mail your contest entry to us here:
The Goulet Pen Company
ATTN: Thanksgiveaway
10201 Maple Leaf Court
Ashland, VA 23005 USA
Entries that do not include a full name and email will be void. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at social@gouletpens.com and we'll be glad to help.
Entries must be received at Goulet Pen Company headquarters by November 23rd in order to be eligible to win.
As for us, we're just thankful that so many people have been inspired to write in. Have you sent your letter in? We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Write on,
The Goulet Pen Company Team
Davidson from Virginia writes:
This Thanksgiving I have much to give thanks for:
I got married to an incredible girl.
I traveled abroad for the first time.
I got my largest bonus ever.
I moved into a new apartment.
I applied to graduate school.
and so many, many more...
"Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears."
- Wordsworth
Angela from Wisconsin writes:
I'm thankful for...
- my husband, he makes me feel appreciated, loved, acknowledged, cared for and special.
- my friends who encourage my potential and help me to be successful.
- my church family, they are so welcoming of everyone! They work tirelessly to address issues of social injustices in our city.
- my boss and co-workers, they make work feel fun and encourage my personal growth.
- the opportunity to vote for this country's leader, to share my opinions
- my gifts, given to me by my Creator, personality, talents.
If you haven't sent your letter in yet, you still have time! Sit down with your favorite pen and ink, think about the things in your life that you are thankful for, put them on paper, and send them our way. You may be surprised by what you come up with.
Ready? Mail your contest entry to us here:
The Goulet Pen Company
ATTN: Thanksgiveaway
10201 Maple Leaf Court
Ashland, VA 23005 USA
Entries that do not include a full name and email will be void. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at social@gouletpens.com and we'll be glad to help.
Entries must be received at Goulet Pen Company headquarters by November 23rd in order to be eligible to win.
As for us, we're just thankful that so many people have been inspired to write in. Have you sent your letter in? We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Write on,
The Goulet Pen Company Team