Hey there, fountain pen friends! Madigan here. We've gotten a lot of questions over the last year about how to make an ink wash. It's a great way to use up the last little bit of your ink and make beautiful quotes or cards. I've done a ton of these and one of the things that I love about them is how each time you do it, you get to see a new aspect in the ink. It's also a very soothing process. There are a few things you'll need to get started.
1. One Color Ink Wash
The first method (and the easiest) is to do a one-color ink wash. You'll need:
2. Two Color Ink Wash
For the second method, you'll need the following:
- Fountain pen ink samples or bottles
- Watercolor Paper
- Paint Brushes
- Water and cup
1. One Color Ink Wash
The first method (and the easiest) is to do a one-color ink wash. You'll need:
- Your watercolor paper cut to postcard size
- The ink of your choice
- Two paintbrushes
- A cup of water
2. Two Color Ink Wash
For the second method, you'll need the following:
- Watercolor paper cut to size
- 2 fountain pen ink colors of your choice
- 3 paint brusehs
- A cup of water
- A friend to help
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3. The Gradient Method
For this method, you'll need the following supplies:
4. The Dual Color Gradient Method
For the final method, you'll need the following:
A tip- if you are looking for a particular ink color, be sure to check out our Swab Shop. You can compare ink choices side by side and see which one works best for you.
Have you come up with a great way to use fountain pen ink to make cards? Let me know in the comments below!
Write on,
3. The Gradient Method
For this method, you'll need the following supplies:
- Watercolor paper cut to size
- 2 paintbrushes
- Fountain pen ink of your choice
- A cup of water
4. The Dual Color Gradient Method
For the final method, you'll need the following:
- Watercolor paper cut to size
- 4 paintbrushes
- 2 fountain pen ink colors of your choice
- A cup of water
A tip- if you are looking for a particular ink color, be sure to check out our Swab Shop. You can compare ink choices side by side and see which one works best for you.
Have you come up with a great way to use fountain pen ink to make cards? Let me know in the comments below!
Write on,