San Francisco, a talk by Daniela Barile. As part of the 2016 International Week of Italian Cuisine

SAN FRANCISCO - December 6. Feeding for Health in the 21st Century: Innovation in The Food Industry and Agriculture. A talk by Daniela Barile, Associate Professor and Principal Investigator at UC Davis. As part of the 2016 "International Week of Italian Cuisine." At the macro level, we face one of our greatest global challenges: feeding a growing world population while, at the same time, reducing our impact on the environment and decreasing the incidence of diet-related chronic diseases.

This grand challenge can only be met by building a more comprehensive understanding of food through research and then bringing this knowledge to practice through innovation.

Yet, many of the most promising solutions to our grand food and health challenges are found at the micro level.  In particular, regarding human health, much attention today focuses on the functional ability to modulate the composition of the human gut microbiota. Innovative research by the Barilla Lab at UC Davis and others has shown that by-products such as prebiotic oligosaccharides from agro-food chains can be captured and valorized, creating new opportunities for promoting human health while also reducing waste.

Tuesday, December 6, 6:00pm, Italian Cultural Institute, 601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco.

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